I am the host of the latest scavenger hunt. It's the 43rd one. Wow. Can't believe it has lasted this long, but I sure am grateful it has. so much easier to make myself draw each day. As usual I made my list as odd as I could. I like to put many things in that would not be normal. I like people to have to think about what they will draw for each item. Also I like items on the list that can be interpreted in different ways by each person. I like seeing the varied sketches and most of the time the little stories that go with them.
I spent some time today trying to list categories I will need files for when I get my file cabinet. Files and then sub folders. It will be nice finally getting all the files sorted. I have them here and there right now.
We did have 2 old, large, 4-drawer file cabinets in the office here at home. They were way too big for this room. I took the stuff from them and just dumped it all in boxes. I still have to sort thru those. I have a box with files in it and the file drawer from my last desk that is still full. Hopefully I will have everything lined and can start to label so they will be all ready to file away when I get the lateral files.
Jeanne, You're so good at hosting the scavenger hunts. If I had the internet at home I'd host one. Using a public computer means I usually only get on once a day, and then can't when my library is closed. I'm trying to come up with a list, and maybe I'll try doing one anyway. I enjoy seeing everyone's sketches, and it makes me sketch which I was really neglecting before.
I love making weird lists. You do sketches so nicely. Would not know you neglect it.
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