I'm late posting tonight. I just finished my next self portrait. I missed yesterday and just barely squeeked by tonight. This one isn't too bad but I still like the last one better.
Hubby and I were setting up the computer for the machine we will be using to start a business. We will be making peel and stick labels, stickers, car decals, and eventually banners. The machine is a commercial one and will make things about 3 ft with the length only limited by the paper. Since hubby's body is falling apart, his truck driving days may be numbered. We need to get something started before that day comes.
As he can't type and has no computer skills or knowledge, that part is up to me. And the stickers will be printed from a computer program. With repitition hopefully he will learn fast. I don't like missing out on my art time.
He is not the most patient person in the world and is very antsy to get started. He already has some customers lined up. But we ran into a problem tonight while setting it up. An application error. I saved it on the screen and will have to calle the tech support in the morning. They weren't open today. It says help 24 hrs but apparently that is not true for Sunday.
Here's hoping I have more art time tomorrow. I haven't yet started the new scavenger hunt, and I have been missing from several of the forums drawing events for a few weeks now.
Sounds like you are off on an adventure for sure. The computer stuff causes more arguments than most things in our world. :)
Wishing you the best. Your portraits are so good and improved.
Good job on this one. You did a bit more detail in the hair and it looks good. Hope all works out with the computer. They are such a pain to get set up, or to add anything different to the setup. Good luck!
Your self portraits are really good. You MUST have achieved a likeness because they all look like the same person. So, you must have captured YOU! Way to go.
Thanks everyone. I think they do look some like me now. My avatar is me about 2 years ago.
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