I ran some errands today, then picked up some supplies I ordered with the plein air group. Now home and on the computer.
I got an email about the next two outings. Next week will be another private home, and the following one will be to another ranch. I've lived here all my life and it looks like in this month alone I will see more of the countryside than I have in a year. The last one of the month (30th) I will have to miss. I was unable to change my hair appt.
Here is the last of my scavenger hunt items for this hunt. I didn't finish this one but did get a lot of them done. And there is a dog for me to do on the WDE this week hosted by Phoebecat.
Jeanne, I think you will learn a lot and enjoy plein air, more and more. It is a favorite of mine, even though I don't get to do it much.
It has provided me with the motivation to get out there and do it. I draw a lot at home and usually go out on the sketchcrawls but it just isn't safe here to go out alone to a lot of places. Especially when you are concentrating and not paying attention to surroundings.
And I am motivated to do a finished product as they have a critique after lunch. I have just been using my sketchbook but I think I will have to start using a better paper since I am doing finished paintings.
I eventually want to try watercolor paints but may not like doing those as I like to put in details. But I could always do that with pen and ink.
Hello Jeanne. You;re still as prolific and determined as ever. I so admire that! Lovely set of sketches from the scavenger hunt. Must pop over soon and join in. In the meantime, Jo tagged me, and now you've been tagged! LOL! Hope you join in, but you'll need to pop over to My Sketch Blog to check out the rules!
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