Today was my second outing with the plein air group. I drove and it was a curvy road. Not as curvy as the other road but curvy enough. We had a couple wrong turns but eventually got to our destination about 10:30. We took awhile to set up and just as we were ready to start, someone pulled up and said some cattle would soon be coming thru and we should go inside the fence so we wouldn't spook the cattle.
Well who could have predicted a better photo moment. The cow dogs kept them pretty much grouped together. I think one of the cameras rewinding noise caused them to start running. but only one got out of line and took the wrong road.
We painted until about 1:00 pm, then had lunch. After lunch, we had our little critique and then started home. I was home about 3:30 pm. One stop on the way home to the car wash at the local gas station then home for a nap. The dogs didn't let me sleep long and kept bugging me as it was their dinner time. Two dogs ganging up on me makes for difficulty sleeping.
Above is the picture I did at the outing. I didn't finish it there. Came home and added some dry colored pencil to add my darks, then added some pen and ink. Most of the ladies (there were 6 of us) were painting the barns. The other two were doing trees. There were two grey tree squirrels playing tag and they were so silvery looking. I tried to get a photo but by the time I got my camera ready, they had moved on.
Jeanne, Sounds like you are enjoying the plein air outings. I sure like it. Always something interesting, right? Nice sketch/painting.
That's a funny story about the cows! Plein air painting can really be an adventure. I like this one. You got lovely texture and color, especially on the barn roofs!
Very nice painting! It sounds like you had a great day! Take care.
Andrew from Alabama
The 4th Avenue Blues
Thanks everyone it was a very enjoyable trip.
Fast photography and fast artwork - sounds like plein air life to me!
Those are really nice barns Jeanne - I like the way you've got the mottling of colours on the outside.
Thanks Katherine. I really have enjoyed both of my outings. I'm also getting to know the ladies better.
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