Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cat #21.

Here is cat #21.  From a photo by Daiseyree from Wetcanvas.  I love this pose and really enjoyed doing this one.  I did change the colors from the original photo.  Watercolors, colored pencils, and pen.  About 3 x 5 inches.

Cat #20

 This is my cat #20.  Graphite and a touch of colored pencil and pen.  It's about 3x5 inches on watercolor paper.  Photo is by Veterinarian Andy Mathes from Facebook and used with his permission.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

30 Cats Day 9

Here is Cat for Day 9.  I'm behind but will catch up.  Graphite on this one.  Photo by MelWilemon from Wetcanvas RIL.

Friday, February 06, 2015

30 Cats in 30 Days

I'm doing a challenge on Facebook started by Valri Ary and Mary Moore.  there are several other artists doing it also.  I have finished 6 days so far.  Here is Day 6.  Photo posted on the WDE at Wetcanvas by Noula.  3.5 x 5.5 inches on watercolor paper.  Watercolor, colored pencils, and pens.

Here are the first 5: