This site will be for sharing part of me with anyone interested. A place to post some of my thoughts, my poetry, and my art. Thanks for taking my journey.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Teens Being Teens
Here is my painting for the Virtual Paintout for December from Google street map of Venice, Italy. Done in colored pencicl.
colored pencil,
The Virtual Paintout,
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Portrait of Melissa
Here is my portrait of Melissa for the Annual Christmas Portrait Swap in the Portraiture forum at Wetcanvas. It is about 8x10 and fits into am 11x14 mat and frame. Done with a little colored pencils, fine line pen, and possibly a little watercolor. Can't remember for sure about the watercolor. I will be mailing it the first of next week.
Sunday, December 08, 2013
Penny WIP
Here is my Yellow Lab Penny. This is done in my Till Death Do Us Part sketchbook journal. I took her photo this morning and liked it. She usually tucks her ears behind and it looks like she has no ears. I liked the perspective that I took the photo and the ears that are showing. Colored Pencil and fine line pen.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Portrait Swap and a New Page in New and Gently Used Sketchbook
I did the portrait swap in Wetcanvas Portraiture forum. Here is the portrait I did of Melissa. About 9x12 inches on watercolor paper with watercolor and colored pencil.
And this is the one I did from a little bust of an eagle that I bought at Dollartree in colored pencil.
colored pencil,
sketchbook journal,
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Wetcanvas Trades
I am participating in two projects on Wetcanvas.
One is an annual Christmas card trade. There are 20 people in this trade and we are required to send a Christmas card to each of the other people in the project. In this trade, we are allowed to do just one original cad and have copies made for the giving. Or we can do several or originals for everyone.
I chose to do 19 original cards. This is my second time to participate. One of the trades I made all originals and the other, I made one and did copies. I finished my 19 cards today. Now I am waiting for the addresses so I can mail the cards.
The second project is the annual portrait trade. I have done this project for about 5 years now. I have had 2 females and 2 males. This year I got a female. She is a pretty blond. I find that I do bbetter with the males. Both of the other females had sorter hair. This one has long hair. That will be my challenge.
I haven't started my portrait for the trade yet but will soon. I wanted to finish all my Christmas cards first. Now that those are finished, I can hopefully concentrate on the portrait now. My trade partner has started my portrait. She's doing a really good job. She is using pastels and I will be using colored pencil and watercolor. Hopefully with her permission, I will be able to post both photos and both portraits on here after they are finished.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Several New Pieces from my Journal
I have done several new pieces in my journal. Now looking thru all my photos looking for more to use in the sketchbook Journal.
For several years, we attended an annual baarbecue of some friends of ours who lived in the mountains on a cattle ranch. They have retired now so no more barbecues. This one was taken probably from the one the year before Bill passed away. Jerry sitting with him, passed away the week before Bill. Jerry had cancer.
This is Friday. We had to have her put down on December 31, 2009 just 3 months before Bill passed. She was one of our fur babies.
This was from a photo I took in the 1970s when we lived in Mapleton, Oregon. Bill was a log truck driver and he loved it. It was his dream job.
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Bill in the Sketchbook Journal
I just finished this one in my "Till Death To Us Part" sketchbook journal. Colored pencil. I'm not finished with the page but not sure what else I will put on the page. I like the way this one turned out. You can see the pain in his face from his bad back and his overworked heart. He was still working a very hard job that just wore him out each day working too many hours. He had a heart attack on his way home from work one night around 9:30 but before he left work, he washed his diesel truck and got it ready for the next day.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Saying Goodbye to Friday
This was Dec 31, 2009 at the vet when we were saying goodbye to Friday. 3 months later Bill was gone too.
Monday, October 28, 2013
No New Stuff
Sorry to be missing in action lately. No real reason except it is that time of year when my emotions get a little raw. The time of year when I miss my husband more. From out anniversary, the holidays, his birthday in Feb, and finally the day he passed away the end of March. Any time I am watching tv and something makes me sad, I get really emotional and start really crying. I guess it is good to get it out of my system.
I have been working on my New And Gently Used sketchbook Journal. I have pieces of several pages done. Will try to post a couple of those this week. Just don't give up on me completely. I'm just slow, not done.
Monday, October 07, 2013
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Sketchbook: Till Death Do Us Part
I started my "Bill" sketchbook. I did a drawing of him on the inside cover. I used Copic markers and a little Verithin colored pencil red on the face. The page across from this one shows the sketchbook's name and the date of our marriage. I have another page started a couple pages in. I have traced the outline of a photo of ill holding our great niece Kylie. She was only a few months old when he passed away He had looked forward to being an extra "grandpa" for her. Her dad has always been like a son to us. the photo I used was taken at our Christmas evening with them 3 months before his death.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
New Sketchbook Journal
I have been lax at posting for the last couple of months. I have been in an art slump. Hopefully I will be climbing out of it son. I have decided on a new project, and I am looking forward to progressing in it.
Well I said one new project but there are two. It started with a new sketchbook purchase. It is like the Moleskine books with the same (hopefully) strong paper that holds a little water. And the pages are beige too and has an expandable folder in the back.
I couldn't decide what I would be putting in the book. I posted that in the Facebook Sketchbook Journal area and got a few comments and suggestions. One was from Jacqui who knows I have many, many little trinkets that I have purchased for the Scavenger hunts. Many more than I really need. She suggested doing a book showing all of those. and making a memory of them in case I have to one day downsize them.
The second suggestion was that I do a journal about someone I love or am close to either past or present. Well that sounded like a great idea to do for a memory book of my husband. It has now been 3 1/2 years since he passed. I would be able to do sketches of him, our babies that we both loved so much, little bits of information on things that we did or that happened to us along the way, how we met. Not sure one book will be enough but it's a start.
I decided to do both. I went to Aaron Brothers to get another sketchbook but didn't find the same one. So I got a Moleskine one. I have already started the pages in the one of my Goodwill Finds. I may title that one as "New and Gently Used". The one of my husband will be "Till Death Do Us Part".
These are the first and second pages of New and Gently Used. They are done with colored pencils, fineline pens, and a little watercolor.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Back to School Trade Cards
The Facebook group "Former Drawspace Traders" has the theme this month of Back to School. Here are the cards I did for this trade. Done in watercolor, colored pencils, and fineline pens by Staedler.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
In a Slump
No artwork lately. I'm going thru a slump. Everything I have tried to do, I wasn't happy with. So I just try to be patient until it is over.
I did go to a plein air outing with my art group today. We went to a small mountain community where we have been once before. It's called Stallion Springs. The little day park where we painted is called Horse Thief park. Great place to go. Very nice restroom, a creek or stream, a covered patio area with several tables, other areas with tables, a covered bridge. very quiet and peaceful, and not many people around. Across the water is a cute little white church with a steeple. And many beautiful paintable areas.
Here is the painting I started the last time I was there and worked on some more today. It's not really finished and not sure I will finish it. The part from the first trip was done in colored pencils. Today I used watercolor and watercolor pencils. The colored pencil part just shows up too bright compared to the watercolors I did today. But I enjoyed the two outings and the atmosphere and I will consider this one a learning piece.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Scavenger Hunt Items
I haven't been doing any art lately. Kind of in a slump. But here are some scavenger hunt items that.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
My nephew Stephen has a cousin named Leah. This is her baby Coltin. Such a cutie. I'm doing this just for fun. It is watercolor so far and will include colored pencil to finish off. I will be adding a background but now that I have given him blue clothes, I will not be able to do it blue. Maybe an orangey color. We will see. It is on a piece of watercolor paper 9x12 inches. Still a lot of work to do.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Dave the Man
This is Dave from the Wetcanvas WDE for July 19. It is hosted by oldrockchick and Dave is her husband. This is in watercolor and colored pencils. 4x6 inches on watercolor paper.
Monday, July 15, 2013
A graphite that I just finished. 4x6 inches on the smooth side of watercolor paper. From a small cow I have in my collection.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Two New Paintings
I did two small paintings this week. One is a scene from a photo I took on Google Street Maps. I can't remember what country it was from. The second one is a Great Dane owned by my hair stylist's assistant, Kayli I've had this photo for maybe a year and he was a puppy then. I can't remember his name. Both are 4x6 inches and are done with watercolor and colored pencils.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Way Too Hot
It is in the hundreds this weekend and next week. In this weather, a person just sits and doesn't move any more than necessary. Good excuse for not doing housework. I don't have AC and any time the weather gets over 100, the swamp cooler doesn't make a dent in cooling the house. So I sit with an overhead fan, the swamp cooler and two small fans on the floor for the dogs. And give them a bowl of ice cubes a couple times a day.
Here are some more of the landscape ATCs.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Landscape ATCs
I finished my last 3 atcs for the Landscape Trade. Feels good to finish. They will be mailed tomorrow.
Here are a few that have arrived already.
colored pencil,
mini landscapes,
w atercolor,
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Happy Blog Anniversary!
This is the 7th Anniversary of my blog. I don't blog as often as I did when I started but I do post regularly at least a few times a month. I still really like blogging and have 91 readers who have signed up. Thatk you to each and everyone and anyone else who reads silently.
Friday, June 14, 2013
2 Landscapes for the Project on Wetcanvas
I'm in a project trading Landscape ATCs. Size is 3x5 inches. These two have arrived at their new homes. Both are watercolor and colored pencil. Some I did with just watercolor but others I added cp. I have 17 to do and have 9 left.
ATC trade,
colored pencil,
Wetcanvas Project
Sunday, June 09, 2013
Wetcanvas WDE 7 June, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
My Sky High Trade Cards for May
Sunday, May 05, 2013
Legend May 3 WDE on Wetcanvas
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Goodbye My Baby Jo
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