Friday, April 11, 2014

Artist and Student ATC Trade

A teacher posted on Facebook that she would like artists to volunteer for a one-on-one trade of an atc with her students.  I agreed.  I did a picture of a dog from a photo by Andy Mathes, a photographer/veterinarian and used with his permission.  

The dog is Bruno.  I did a picture of him when he was just a puppy.  He was a cute little thing that looked so sad.  Her is looking more grown up now.  I love his face and enjoy doing his portrait even if it is so small.  And I so much appreciate Andy Mathes for taking such great photos of his clients.  It is so fun to see his clients from the time they are in for their first puppy shots, thru until they grow up.  And so many breeds of dogs and cats.

This is an ATC (2.5x3.5 inches) and done with colored pencil and ink.

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