Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Buck Owen's Crystal Palace

Our plein air group went to The Crystal Palace today. It was about 100 degrees F so everyone stayed in the shade of the building. That limited what we could draw. Next time we go, hopefully will be a cooler day. That way we can sit facing the building from the parking lot. I concentrated on one of the columns that is outside the grounds on the street and holds the Bakersfield sign.
I planned to go out to the sign and get a straight-on picture of it (the whole street is posted no parking). But I was going to pull over long enough to get the photo. I forgot. The only photo I got was at an angle. I don't want to attempt the letters at an angle so will wait for another photo before doing a finished drawing.
Next week we go to a private home with gardens. There should be plenty to sketch there.


Joan said...

Jeanne - I can't imagine sketching outside when it's that hot, even in the shade of the building. I'm glad you got something done.

"JeanneG" said...

It's really too hot to do anything in that weather but you can't just stop. I am a Bakersfield native so used to it. Doesn't bother me as much as some. One lady is allergic to heat. She really suffers and has to stay in a lot.