Thursday, February 25, 2010

Scavenger Hunt #167

Since Wetcanvas will be down from the 26th thru the 1st, I decided to post the Scavenger Hunt list for anyone who wants it and doesn't make it to Wetcanvas before they are down. Here is the list.

Scavenger Hunt #167 Feb 25-Mar 1

a person
an animal
from nature
made of metal
made of plastic
made of glass
a pair of...
for your hands
for your feet
for your head
outside Challenge #1 - the inside and outside of the same item
having a strap/straps
related to art
related to music
eyeglasses or sunglasses
tool used for cooking
tool used for cleaning

Challenge #2 - draw one or more item using your non-dominant hand.
Challenge #3 - use 3 or more items in the same sketch

It is hosted by JoanT this time around. You can visit her site by clicking the link on the right for Joan Tavolott. She does beautiful watercolors.

WDE photos for 2-26-10 can be found here. Hosted by Justjean.

1 comment:

Joan said...

Jeanne - You are so good at keeping us all organized!!! Thanks for doing this! It always feels strange when WetCanvas is part of the day is missing. lol