Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Not much done today. Hubby's dad has been gone many years, mine doesn't celebrate Father's Day. Our extra dad is in Oregon and we sent him a card. We have only fur babies so don't really celebrate it either.

I did some browsing of some terrific blogs. Saw some amazing art. Hubby cooked breakfast (lots of breakfast). The teens came to clean house. And I did my chores but other than that, I have been pretty lazy today.

Here are sketches done for the scavenger hunt. We backtracked to #88. #89 is done, so the next will be #90. We are getting realllllly close to that #100. Yay!


Joan said...

Good day of sketching. I'm trying to find my list for hosting the next scavenger hunt. I had it ready and then my company came and I straighted up!!! That will teach me!

starrgirl's world said...

Hi Jeanne! You asked me about the deck of cards - I ordered plenty and will have a deck for you at cost if you want them. Should be about 3 bucks plus $1 shipping. Just let me know if you want them and I will save you a deck, ok?? Thanks for asking!!