Saturday, September 02, 2006

The end of another day.

Here is my scavenger hunt work for today. Loaf of bread and carton of milk. I still have a few left to do. I think I have finished 18 so far. Soon we will get a new weekly reference. I finished this week very early in the week, so the week has been dragging. I will have to start a nice project to keep me busy in between.
I still have to finish the portrait of my two cousins. I have her finished but still need to work on her husband.
We will be at my sister-in-law's house for Labor Day. They are having a barbecue. My husband's brother and wife will be there also. That will make 6 of us. I will take my drawing supplies. At least I will have some new subjects to draw. I am getting tired of sketching things in and out of my house. Many I have done over and over. I probably won't try to do any of the live people there but they have 4 cats. One is way too mean and I don't want to see her. Another is a scardy cat so won't come out. But the two males will wander in and out. I should also take the camera to catch them in some poses also.
Well that's it for today. Nothing inspiring to say, no late-breaking news, nothing really new. Just a very simple day but one without trama so I consider it a good day.
"He who guards his mouth and tongue keeps himself from calamity. Proverbs 21:23

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