Saturday, May 12, 2007


More pictures taken at the plein air outing.
Today I got ready a couple ATCs that I need to get into the mail. One was a bonus card for someone in the exchange. Her daughter goes for surgery on the 22nd and the card is for her to help cheer her up. The second was one I did for WDE when Valri hosted. I did her dog Mat. I plan to send it to her since it is her dog. The third is a lion face for a friend from work. She requested a lion.
Today I fought my way thru Walmart Store. Everyone there shopping for Mother's Day. Hubby went there a couple hours later and he had a very long wait. I picked up a couple more sketchpads and several more packages of plastic inserts for trading card storage.
We have two motorcycles sitting in our garage and a motorcycle trailer. The bikes get ridden only a few times a year. But...hubby was looking at motorcycles at a grand opening at his favorite cycle chop. And later tonight he ran me off the computer to sit and "play" at the site for the same motorcycle. A new one coming out. He was able to listen to the motorcycle run, spin it around like it was on a lazy susan, and check out the colors.
Just what we need. Something new to sit around with the two motorcycles, motorcycle trailer, and camp trailer costing money for a couple trips of pleasure. I won't even mention the banjo taking up space in the closet that he can't play but wishes he could. Boys and their toys.

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