I really enjoyed the outing today. Great fun in a nice cool garden. A comical cat from next door moving around like she owned the place. and some good food.
I worked from the front patio after taking about 34 photos. She had several flowering plants. Lillies, double geraniums, a lot of succulent plants, many bird feeders, a nice fish pond with Boston Ferns behind it, and a banana tree plant. It was such a peaceful day sitiing at her patio table sketching and listening to the birds.
As we sat at the table to eat, I noticed a squirrel come under the fence and stand there poised listening for trouble. Of course for that one my camera was full.
I sketched several of the plants and trees, the cat (she got up just as I was finishing), one lily, and two items for the scavenger hunt. I used the cat for the same thing. I needed an ear and of course the cat had one.
One lady moved on down the road a ways, but most stayed either on the front or the back patio.
Here is the banana tree plant I did during the outing.
Jeanne, I'm very impressed with your plein air drawings. This is just lovely. I'll go over and check the hunt. Haven't had time for that.
Thanks Jo. I am trying to do some colored ones when out as everyone else is a painter or pastelist.
You did a great job on this plein aire drawing. I'm glad you're using color. It really looks good. You're luck to have a group to join, because other people can be so inspiring when you're out.
Thanks Joan.
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This is a lovely image.
This is a lovely image!
Thank you Nina.
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