Friday, August 25, 2006

Another day in the life of me

I finally decided it was time to finish the weekly drawing. I had started it the first of the week but stopped and did other things. But the week is about at its end, and I wanted to finish and post my black boots.

Shopped and banked today. The puppy is still doing really good. Just tearing up their toys and plastic coke bottles and leaving the furnishings alone. I will try to put some hours in at work next week. Try 2 days 11-3 and increase if everything works out those days. I do have to block her out of the kitchen tho. She steals food off the counters. My two bagels disappeared yesterday. And I was sure looking forward to that cinnamon-raisin one. All I found was the paper bag chewed up and the grocery bag on the floor of the kitchen.

1 comment:

seastartrue said...

You did a great job on the boots.
